What are Reviewclub Deals?
Reviewclub Deals is the online marketplace of Reviewclub. Our community members test products for free and tell us what they think about it. To make sure we get an honest opinion we ask the reviewers to send the product back after it has been tested. The returned products are offered with huge discounts in our Reviewclub Deals.
What is Reviewclub?
Reviewclub is a community for normal people who want to give their honest opinions about stuff they care about. We are a fun, active, lively and responsive (global) community.
This is how Reviewclub works
We find great products and give these to our community members, which we call reviewers. Only those reviewers who are most passionate about the product, get to test them. In return, we ask to share their honest opinion online. We don’t pay our reviewers in exchange for their opinion, we don’t give them products and if we do, this will be communicated to them only after they have given their opinion.